пʼятниця, 24 березня 2017 р.

Діалог для аудіювання Jenny’s Trip

Jenny’s Trip

Bill: Hi, I haven’t seen you for a long time.
Jenny: Yes, well, I’ve been away.
Bill: Oh, I see. Where have you been?
Jenny: I’ve been to Germany.
Bill: Very nice. How long were you there for?
Jenny: About ten months.
Bill: That’s a long time. Where you in Berlin?
Jenny: No, I was in Frankfurt.
Bill: Frankfurt, eh? What were you doing there?
Jenny: I was studying German at the university.
Bill: That sounds interesting. Did you enjoy it?
Jenny: Yes, it was great, but guess what! I had an accident a couple of days after I arrived.

Bill: Oh dear. What happened?
Jenny: While I was crossing the street, a cyclist ran into me. It was all my fault. I had forgotten 6that in Germany they don’t drive on the left, you see. So I looked right, like we do here, you know, and I didn’t see anything. Then I stopped into the road and wham! A cyclist ran into me.
Bill: Oh no! Where you hurt?
Jenny: Nom it wasn’t serious, just a shock really. I suppose.
Bill: That was lucky! Did you visit any other places while you were out there?
Jenny: Oh yes, I went to loads of places in Germany and I went to Belgium and Poland, too.
Bill: Great! How long have you been back?
Jenny: About a week. I got back last Friday.
Bill: What have you been doing since you got back?
Jenny: Not a lot. I’ve been having a rest mostly. Anyway how are things with you? What have you been doing since we last met?

Bill: Oh, not a lot I…

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